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How change the 'author' name on your blogger

Do you have different Blogger (blospot) blogs and you want to use different author names for your posts?Open the "Template" options page and go to "Edit HTML". Check "Expand Widgets" and look in the code for the "class=post-footer-line" string (you can use CTRL-F in Firefox to find it). You will look at this code:
<p class="post-footer-line post-footer-line-1">
<span class="post-author">
<b:if cond="data:top.showAuthor">
<data:top.authorlabel> <data:post.author>
</data:post.author></data:top.authorlabel></b:if></span></p> Now you can delete the string <data:post.author></data:post.author>and replace with the name or the nickname you want to use, i.e.


<data:top.authorlabel> <data:post.author></data:post.author></data:top.authorlabel>


&lt;data:top.authorlabel&gt; myname&lt;/data:top.authorlabel&gt;

You can do that for every blog you want to customize.