Modifications and new additions to YouTube and improve the appearance of the site in Ipad
The Google finally make some adjustments and new additions to its Alshahyraluotjub After not long from the launch of a new web page, added Rank five international languages for the site, a Hungarian, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Greek, and also included an amendment to the search engine site to be more interactive and the continuous updating of of the results and adjust the colors on these results, as Google has launched video player, new video clips that do not carry ads and add a feature to send alerts to mail from their own channels on the site as well as adding the option to participate sections in my service echo Google "Google Buzz" and blogger, and finally update the page uploaded so that they are easier and faster to raise the sections to the site.
For ipad of Google has been the appearance of a new design of the site corresponds well with the nature of the device on the display screen size and compatibility with the video page as well as adding a search engine, lists of videos and you other things.
All of these new updates are supposed to be available to all users, either now or during the coming period.
For ipad of Google has been the appearance of a new design of the site corresponds well with the nature of the device on the display screen size and compatibility with the video page as well as adding a search engine, lists of videos and you other things.
All of these new updates are supposed to be available to all users, either now or during the coming period.

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